How To Become A University Of 南 Alabama Vendor



Suppliers frequently ask how they can become a registered vendor with the University 南阿拉巴马州.  As a progressive institution of research, healthcare, and academic services, we strive to develop good business relations with viable business entities offering an innovative approach to quality products and services. 我们的成功取决于 on the abilities of our vendors who are partners in our commitment to meet our vision.

The University welcomes all interested vendors to enroll today by completing both a University 南阿拉巴马州 供应商登记表格 和一个 Authorization for 电子直接存款 Form and returning to the University 南阿拉巴马州 Purchasing Department at:

University 南阿拉巴马州
Technology 研究 Park Building III
电话:al36688 -0002

For more information, download How to Do Business with The University 南阿拉巴马州