

事件 meet at least one of these criteria will be considered for publishing to the 十大彩票网投平台 (USA) master special events calendar.

  • 家庭体育项目
  • 事件 have appeal outside of their home department, division or content area
  • 事件 have a significant amount of media presence
  • 事件 have a high amount of administrator attendance
  • 事件 have at least 100 or more expected guests
  • 事件 are promoted/classified as University wide events
  • 事件 will require a large portion of the University’s parking real estate
  • 事件 require a large presence from University police
  • 事件 require road closures on campus
  • Events requiring USA transportation planning
  • Events requiring ticket purchases

举几个事件的例子 could appear on the USA master calendar include:

  • 杰出校友奖
  • 美国的一天
  • 毕业典礼
  • 建筑证书
  • College sponsored conferences
  • Laidlaw faculty concert series
  • 庆祝希望
  • Select Jaguar Productions events
  • 5公里跑步

事件 likely to appear on the USA master special events calendar include:

  • 客场体育赛事
  • 私人或受限制的活动
  • Student events that are exclusively for students
  • Department or divisional meetings
  • Trainings that are for internal staff only

举几个事件的例子 不会 appear on the USA master calendar include:

  • 新员工入职培训
  • Pan Hellenic Council meetings
  • 瑜伽教练培训
  • 院长委员会会议
  • Administrative Council meetings